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Flutter Masterclass
Flutter Basics
1 - Introduction (5:41)
2 - Installing on Windows (10:48)
3 - Installing on a Mac (13:06)
4 - Making a New Flutter Project (4:59)
5 - Quick Project Overview (4:06)
6 - Widgets (8:09)
7 - Material App & Scaffold (11:42)
8 - Stateless Widgets (6:27)
9 - Containers (7:54)
10 - Imports & Quick Refactor (5:45)
11 - Columns (12:18)
12 - Rows (8:46)
13 - Images (6:53)
14 - Expanded Widget (6:20)
15 - Buttons & Click Events (6:56)
16 - Stateful Widgets (10:59)
17 - Control Flow in Lists (5:15)
18 - Making Reusable Widgets (12:10)
Layout, UI & Theming
19 - Setting up a New Project (9:03)
20 - Making a Custom Theme (12:55)
21 - Text Theme (6:35)
22 - Reusable Styled Text Widgets (5:03)
23 - Using Google Fonts (4:20)
24 - Container Gradients (8:51)
25 - List View (8:01)
26 - Card Widget (8:42)
27 - Icon Button (4:33)
Data Models
28 - Making a Character Class (7:37)
29 - Mixins (8:51)
30 - Getters (9:45)
31 - Enhanced Enums (11:20)
32 - Making a Skill Class (9:39)
33 - Adding Images (4:14)
34 - Adding Dummy Data (2:57)
35 - Using the Character Class (7:17)
User Input
36 - Adding a Create Screen (6:27)
37 - Making a Text Field (9:30)
38 - Text Editing Controllers (3:54)
39 - Submit Handler Function (5:08)
40 - Displaying Vocations (9:21)
41 - Adding a Scrollable Widget (1:51)
42 - onTap Gesture (2:55)
43 - Selecting a Vocation (11:40)
44 - Submitting the Data (5:58)
45 - What About the Form Widget- (1:06)
Routes & Screens
46 - Pushing & Popping Routes (2:25)
47 - Navigating Between Screens (5:16)
48 - Showing a Dialog (8:28)
49 - Adding a Dialog Theme (3:12)
50 - Navigating to a Profile Screen (5:06)
51 - Passing Data into Routes (8:18)
52 - Fleshing Out the Profile Screen (6:01)
53 - Arguments in Stateful Widgets (11:09)
54 - Using Tables (16:50)
55 - Outputting Vocation Skills (15:16)
56 - Selecting an Active Skill (9:56)
57 - Adding a Snackbar (4:44)
Using Global State
58 - Why We Need Global State (2:47)
59 - Provider Package (2:08)
60 - Making a Character Store (2:45)
61 - Providing & Consuming State (8:10)
62 - Adding New Characters (6:39)
Adding a (Firestore) Database
63 - Chapter Introduction (1:02)
64 - Firebase SDK Setup (9:58)
65 - Firestore Database Setup (6:44)
66 - Factory Contructors (8:00)
67 - Processing Character Data (6:59)
68 - Character Factory Constructor (12:48)
69 - Processing Character Stats (4:43)
70 - Firestore Converters (4:14)
71 - Adding Firestore Data (8:24)
72 - Fetching Character Data (10:33)
73 - Saving Character Changes (8:27)
74 - Deleting Character Data (3:37)
Adding Animations
75 - Swipe to Dismiss (5:22)
76 - Implicit vs Explicit Animations (1:34)
77 - Hero Widget (3:34)
78 - Animated Rotation (4:09)
79 - Animation Controllers (7:31)
80 - Tween Sequences (5:33)
81 - Animated Builder Widget (4:22)
82 - Changing the Heart Color (1:42)
83 - Stack and Positioned Widgets (3:43)
Bonus: Forms in Flutter (crash course)
1 - User Input in Flutter (5:19)
2 - Text Field Widget (6:22)
3 - Text Editing Controller (4:40)
4 - Form Widget (5:33)
5 - Text Form Field (7:04)
6 - Drodown Form Field (8:34)
7 - Saving the Form Data (6:14)
8 - Resetting the Form (2:19)
Bonus: Riverpod Crash Course
1 - Why use Riverpod (5:06)
2 - Setup & Installing Riverpod (6:16)
3 - Providers (5:47)
4 - Stateless Consumers (7:29)
5 - Stateful Consumers (5:46)
6 - Generated Providers (8:21)
7 - Notifier Providers (10:12)
8 - Updating State (6:51)
9 - Generated Notifier Provider (5:02)
10 - Dependent Providers (5:01)
11 - Final Touches (3:02)
Bonus: Flutter with Firebase Auth
1 - Intro & Setup (5:11)
2 - Making a User Model (1:57)
3 - Making Auth Forms (12:33)
4 - Switching Between Forms (5:20)
5 - Validating Form Fields (8:41)
6 - Firebase SDK Setup (8:51)
7 - Firebase Auth Setup (3:54)
8 - Signing Users Up (7:08)
9 - Logging Users Out (4:53)
10 - Signing Users In (3:33)
11 - Simple Error Feedback (7:51)
12 - Riverpod Stream Providers (6:01)
13 - Auth State Changes (5:32)
14 - Consumer Widget (8:27)
15 - Finishing Touches (3:45)
Bonus: Dart Crash Course
1 - What is Dart (4:09)
2 - Dart Basics (11:33)
3 - Type Annotations (7:11)
4 - Functions (9:06)
5 - Lists & Sets (10:19)
6 - Control Flow (7:31)
7 - Maps (8:53)
8 - Classes (14:06)
9 - Method Overriding (6:34)
10 - Generics (8:06)
11 - Async, Await & Futures (8:19)
12 - Fetching Data (12:23)
6 - Generated Providers
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